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The Quality You Expect and The Savings You Deserve

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Alco-Food Machines

    Parts and Service

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E-tek logo E-Tek Processing and Packaging Innovations

Our company

E-Tek has an experienced staff that have been in the meat and poultry industry for over 50 Years! We are very knowledgeable in not only our products that we supply but we also meet the highest standards in the market. We can help you save on packaging cost without sacrificing quality. 

we are hiring

E-Tek is looking for motivated people who want to excel in their careers. Come check out our careers link to see what positions are available and their descriptions. Success is around the corner!

We attend many different shows and are excited to meet you!

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Check out these websites

Meat + Poultry Logo
meatingplace logo
Process Expo logo
International productio and processing expo logo
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